The Sea Lion Festival
by MURAKAMI Haruki
Translated by Kiki
I am smoking a cigarette after a simple lunch when a sea lion comes to my apartment. I hear a knock, so I answer the door. At my front door there is a sea lion. There isn’t really anything special about him. It is just an ordinary sea lion. I mean he isn’t wearing sunglasses or a three-piece Brooks Brothers suit. Actually he looks old- fashioned and almost Chinese.
”Good afternoon. Nice to meet you,” says the Sea Lion. “I trust that I’m not disturbing you. Is this a good time?”
“It’s ok, I’m not really that busy,” I say, a bit flustered.
Sea lions are relatively harmless animals. There is nothing fierce or threatening about them. It doesn’t matter what kind of sea lion you have at your front door, there is really no reason for concern. And this one didn’t look any different.
That realization is almost more disturbing.
“If you could just give me ten minutes, I’d be really grateful.” Out of habit I glance at my watch. But that is unnecessary. I have time.
“But it might not even take that long,” the Sea Lion adds, practically reading my thoughts. Without even thinking about it I lead him into my apartment. I even offer him a glass of barley tea.
“You shouldn’t have. You really didn’t need to go to such trouble.” He downs half of the tea in one gulp. Then he takes a cigarette from his jacket pocket and lights it with his lighter. “It’s still really hot, isn’t it?”
“That’s for sure.”
“But at least the mornings and evenings are not so bad.
“Yeah, but it is September after all.”
“Hmm. The high school baseball tournament is already finished. And the Giants have all but clinched the pennant.Nothing much to get worked up about, is there? Summer’s practically finished.”
“I guess you’re right.”
The Sea Lion nods in agreement and looks around my apartment. “Forgive me for prying, but do you live here alone?”
“No, I live with my wife, but she’s away on a trip at the moment.”
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