11/30/2004 Tuesday
It happened last night b/c I wanted it to happen. It felt so fantastic. I made chicken salad for him at his house. We drank red wine, smoked cigarettes, then made out. … I loved his hugs and kisses. Definitely my favorites.
12/2/2004 Thursday
The fact is I like him. The fact is he is not sure I am the one for him and he is trying to avoid unnecessary pain. The fact is caring for the one I cherish is always more fun and more fulfilling than to be cared about. I’ll just care for him to see what happens. I’m anxious to know what’s in the store for me and how my life is suppose to turn out 。
12/5 /2004 Sunday
Once I planned to only call him after he called me, but I finally gave up on my plan. Not only I called him in the afternoon to try to have lunch with him, I also went visiting him. I think I was finally able to toss all those negative thoughts away.
堕入情网了 !
因为堕入情网的女人智商为 0 。
智商为 0 ?谁说的?不可能 ! 我只听说恋爱中的女人智商最低,但那只是跟她自己相比最低,比如她恋爱之前智商为 125 ,恋爱之后智商为 120 ,那么 120 就是她的最低,但跟一般人相比, 120 仍然是很高的 —
智商有两种,一种是比率智商,即智力年龄 / 实足年龄=智商。如果某人智龄与实龄相等,他的智商即为 100 ,标示其智力中等。另一种是离差智商,把一个人的测验分数与同龄组正常人的智力平均数之比作为智商。现在大多数智力测验都采用离差智商。
但测验分数是怎么得来的?这不全看测试题是谁出的吗?如果我出一套有关美国人宗教信仰的题,拿去考中国的受试者,他们的测试成绩肯定高不了;或者我出一套有关中国农村如何养鸡养鸭的题,拿去考美国的中学生,他们的测试成绩也肯定好不了,因为他们很多人连活鸡活鸭都没见过,只见过商店里包装好了的鸡翅鸡胸鸡腿 — 。但这能说明什么问题?只说明受试者对测试内容不熟悉 —
测试智商的题当然不能太偏,只能是规律性的东西,是放之四海而皆准的东西。看看下面这套权威试题。你说过下面这些话吗?如果说过两句以上,你的智商即为 0 。
1 、站台。女人送男人。女人:“你会想我吗?”男人点头。女人:“你要是不想我怎么办?我要你每时每刻都想着我”
2 、“如果你的老妈和我同时掉进河里,你会先救谁?”
3 、“是我漂亮,还是你的前女友漂亮?”
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